Sunday, July 5, 2009

So Is Edgar Janet or Mr. Roper...


Close-up of a hand as it knocks quickly on the door. The camera pulls back. After a moment, the sound of at least 7 deadbolts loudly unlocking echo through the dark hallway. Finally, the door opens as far as the tiny golden chain will allow, revealing two bespectacled eyes peering out.

You're taller than you sound on the phone.

I actually hear that a lot.

Kristina's eyes wander suspiciously to the left of Paul-David.

And you brought a friend?

Edgar DuHaven smiles and gives a small wave.

Six eyes are better than four and all that.

Kristina slams the door. Paul-David and Edgar DuHaven look to each other, not knowing what to make of their new "friend's" gesture, then finally, they hear the tiny golden chain unlatch and with a whoosh, the door opens, revealing an odd-looking but not unattractive Kristina, mid 30's, long straight red hair, freckles. She pushes up her too large Sophia Loren Collection glasses, and with a fake smile and deep breath, says...

Let's go, shall we?


First, perhaps I should go back a bit.

Kristina, Lil' Bit's owner and I have been talking on the phone for the past couple weeks. She has greatly appreciated my efforts in finding her pooch. Everyday, a couple times a day, I check in, hoping my next call will be answered with good news, but sadly, all efforts have come up empty. Where is this damn dog? I've checked every animal hospital, kennel, police station, everyplace I can imagine, but nothing. And just when I think it may be a lost cause, I talk to Kristina, and her strength and positive attitude snaps me back into action. She's really something. The picture of calm under pressure. She must be going through hell, but in her voice, I hear only conviction and bravery. Sure, I enjoy our conversations, what's wrong with that? It's all about the dog.

Yesterday, I went to her search for the dog, of course. We met face to face for the first time. Just me and her and Edgar DuHaven. Edgar, turns out, is not all that crazy right now. After our destined reunion at work last week and convincing him to skip our restaurant when making his Godly rounds next time, we walked home together and had a nice little talk. Crazy is relative and not always black and white. Folks like us can take our meds and can see the doctors but even with all that, we can still be a bit off. And that's where Edgar is now, just a bit off. He enjoys making people nervous, and nothing makes people more nervous than talking about God. He says he's doing all this for research, a script he's writing about two homeless guys who both talk to God. Is it truly the voice of the divine or just the voices in their heads? The working title is, A Pair of Deuses, coming soon to a theater near you. I'd like to read the script, but he says no one can till it's done.

The day was beautiful, the three of us, walking around the city, looking for Lil' Bit, and for the first time in a long time, I felt a little bit normal. I usually walk around New York alone and, I'm ashamed to admit it but jealous of the other people I see walking not alone. Sometimes, I follow a group of friends, walking almost with them, pretending I'm with them, trying to feel what it's like to be a part of...And what I've discovered is the real thing is much, so much better. Me, Kristina and Edgar DuHaven look, more or less, like anybody else. Three friends, walking down the street, looking for something.

In the end, we didn't find Lil' Bit, but I haven't given up hope. Kristina said she would like to look again and I agreed. And when we said our good-byes, she whispered in my ear...

Maybe next time, you can leave Edgar at home?

Paul-David nods his head in agreement.



  1. Thanks for telling me Edgars back. What the hell. I can't believe you saw him and talked to him and difnt enev tel me. Maybe if youd spent some time at the house insted of looking forctgat dog I could have told you simeone saw him first. Whatever. He was my boyfrien. I can't beleve this.

  2. I'd be willing to bet in person, you are a very loud girl.
