Monday, July 13, 2009

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner...

It was my idea but Heather Mary quickly got on board.
"A fancy dinner party?" she squealed. "The fanciest," I replied. And according to my friend L.E.S.ter's new blog,, home entertaining is all the rage, perhaps even, dare I say, the new black. Thanks to the recession, and who's more recessed than Heather Mary and I, more and more New Yorkers are foregoing those expensive nights out, opting instead to stay home with friends, throwing the most fabulous soirees. Who knew H.M. and I we were so cutting edge? How sophisticated. How adult. Now how do we fit a dinner table inside Heather Mary's room? Well, the devil's in the details so I will worry about that later, but for now, the guest list.

If The DQ can spare its loveliest queen, I wanted to invite Kristina. We've been spending our days together, searching for the dog, so I hoped this party might be a welcome distraction. Though I've only gotten as far inside as the closed front door on Bowery, I imagine her apartment filled with a hundred reminders of what continues to be lost. Every picture on the wall...Lil'Bit. Perhaps a fur filled blanket on the floor...Lil'Bit. An empty water bowl in the kitchen...Lil'Bit. I could give her this night, a respite from a lonely and now bark-less home.

Heather Mary had even fewer option than I. Either pray for a massive prison break, have a live-blogging dinner party with her Facebook, Myspace and twitter friends or man up and call Edgar DuHaven. Apparently, they used to date, and I'm still waiting to hear that story, but in the mean time, I told her to call the guy. She smiled, knowing all the while Edgar's name was the only name on her list.

Next up; the Theme. Heather Mary suggested a Hawain Luau having just purchased a new Muumuu from her favorite online Muumuu store - While I do enjoy a good hula, I know Kristina is vegetarian and I don't believe our local Key Food carries Boar shape Tofurkey. I suggested something a bit more traditional...a pot-luck.

I remember my parents and their pot-luck dinner parties back in the 70's. Well dressed adults, women in flowered knee length dresses, high and even higher hair, men in brown suits with thick black ties and sideburns all crowed together in our newly paneled basement. The laughter and the unrecognizable hushed conversations drifting up the shag-carpeted stairs, finding my ears, filling my Happy Days pajamaed body with such excitement and a longing for adulthood. On the dining room table sat plate after casserole dish of wondrous food - deviled eggs, pot roast, green bean casserole, and the deserts, such awesome sweetnesses. And on the hutch, the forbidden liquor, recently released from its prison cabinet above the oven, dusted off, and sitting beside clear plastic cups and our brown paneled ice bucket. They say you can't go home again, but give me just one whiff of Canadian Mist and I'm there, baby...I'm there. I remember my parents smiling and talking and how I wanted that then...and I still want it now. A pot-luck...perfect.

We each made our phone calls. Kristina accepted and was looking forward to meeting Heather Mary. Edgar DuHaven said he would take the night off from preaching, stating God himself needed a day to relax. They were both given the evenings instructions and now I can't wait to see what they will cook up. It is all set and I can't wait till tomorrow. I haven't been this excited for a long time, it's like Christmas. I hope I can fall asleep.