Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Lovely, Heather Mary...

I would like to welcome the lovely Heather-Mary back aboard this crazy train called blogging. Like taking a 45 minute stroll down bad memory lane, Lovely Heather Mary chronicles our friendship and one of my many breakdowns, revealing in graphic detail one of the worst things I have ever done to another person. The daunting shame I carry after reading her words are lightened only by the sweet gratitude I feel for allowing me back into her life. Begin at the beginning, folks, and don't stop till the tears are a'rollin. Enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sweety, thanks so much for the shout out. look at us, were blogger buddys. Yea!! One thing, could you please take that stupid line out of my name, its Heather Mary, not
    Heather-Mary. Geez, how long have you known me.
    love, Heather Mary
